Trail Stew Needs You!

Alpine has the best of everything - especially VOLUNTEERS!
A big THANK YOU for supporting our trails!
2024 Events

I hope this email finds you well and rested after an accomplishing weekend in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. I want to extend my gratitude for your support on Saturday, April 27, 2024 as we addressed essential maintenance tasks along Pipestem Mountain Trail.
Together, we installed seven new drainage systems along the trail to prevent erosion of the tread, we removed a large rock formation from the corridor of the trail and used some of the rocks to reinforce the critical edge nearby, and in the latter part of the day, we addressed a section of trail with severe erosion issues and created a reroute to promote long term environmental health.
I am including our Wild Arizona Photos Album here; if you have any photos from the event that you would like to share, please create an album with your name on it so that I can give you the proper credit when sharing them.
As we move forward, keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities which are scheduled to be announced within the next few days!
Thank you for your time, energy, and passion! We couldn’t have done it without you!
Ahéhee' (Thank you),
Nizhoni Baldwin

Clifton Ranger District NEEDS YOUR HELP April 26-28
Pipestem Mountain Trail Maintenance
Let's show some love to Pipestem Trail on the Apache National Forest's Pipestem Mountain. Don't worry if you’re new to trail work- no experience necessary. Just come ready to get your hands dirty and have a great time! Wild Arizona will provide the tools and guidance you need to have a successful experience.
Overview: This is a three day weekend event; however, trail maintenance will take place Saturday only. Please feel free to join us for the entire weekend or just the day! ALL ARE WELCOME!
2023 Events

DECEMBER 11, 2023
Alpine Fire District has generously invested a substantial portion of the $780 donation raised by Alpine area trail stewards and supporters during an October 30th celebration. More than $500 will be used to purchase personal protective equipment and hand tools for anyone certified to clear non-motorized trails in the Alpine area.
In addition, seven hardhats were graciously donated by Alpine Fire, who will also host a CPR and Stop the Bleed certification in the spring of 2024. Trail stewards and volunteers now have access to medical training, eye protection, gloves, loppers, and hand saws to safely clear downed trees and vegetation from area trails.
Local volunteers, combined with the generosity of donors like Alpine Fire, are helping residents and visitors alike by providing safe access to trails on the vast and beautiful Apache National Forest surrounding Alpine.
October 31, 2023

October 17, 2023
Volunteers will be joining Wild Arizona on October 30th for a trail clearing event at the P Bar Lake Trailhead, 20 miles south of Alpine. Volunteers will work from 8:30 to 12:30 using crosscut saws and loppers to clear downed trees and remove vegetation from the popular Hannagan Meadow area trail.
The event will be the last in a summer-long series, followed by a free, fun fall foliage meet and greet celebrating our trails and the volunteers who clear them. The gathering will be hosted by Alpine’s Aspen Lodge from 4:00–6:00, with wine tastings, art displays, gift bags, and an auction (online and in person), with all proceeds going to the Alpine Fire Department. Both events are open to the public.
EVERYONE benefits from cleared trails!
October 7, 2023
Alpine, Arizona
Outdoor lovers are encouraged to join Wild Arizona for a half-day trail stewardship project on October 30 from 8:30 to 12:30 at the P Bar Lake Trailhead, 20 miles south of Alpine on Highway 191. Volunteers are needed to remove vegetation and clear downed trees along Foote Creek Trail #76. No experience is required.
Afterward, the public is invited to attend a FREE fall foliage-themed celebration from 4:00 to 6:00 at Alpine’s Aspen Lodge (1-866-322-7736) to enjoy arts and crafts featuring the popular work of artists such as Rusty Childress at Enjoy wine tastings, snacks, gift bags, and a silent auction with all proceeds benefiting the Alpine Fire Department.
Bring a friend and come support your trails and your community!
September 22, 2023
Local Volunteers Armed For Battle Cleared Hannagan Meadow Trail
Eleven local volunteers armed with crosscut saws and loppers cleared trails in the Hannagan Meadow area last week. The energetic crew removed 44 downed trees and cleared brush from a two-mile section of the 15-mile Foote Creek Trail #76 on the Apache National Forest, twenty-miles south of Alpine, AZ.
The volunteer crew of six women and five men, fueled up with a strong pot of tailgate coffee and tasty muffins before tackling obstacles from the popular high-country trail. Three crew leaders from the Apache National Forest and Wild Arizona’s ‘Wild Stew’ volunteer program led the fun event, just one of a larger stewardship series scheduled in the Alpine area. Wild Arizona has been instrumental in clearing local trails with both paid and volunteer crews.
Their next volunteer stewardship event will be held at 8:30 a.m. on October 30, 2023, at the P Bar Lake Trail #326, followed by a celebratory FREE “meet and greet” from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Alpine’s Aspen Lodge with a wine tasting, local “Fall Colors” art display, and a silent auction. Everyone is welcome to attend and display their “Fall Colors” art—photos and paintings. (digital art can be sent to Debbie Fogle.) All proceeds will benefit the Alpine Fire Department. Both FREE events are open to the public!