Welcome to Hike Southwest!
Are You Ready For Adventure?
Hiking & Backpacking
In Arizona's White Mountains
Unique guided adventures
Information to help you go it on your own
Trail stewardship opportunities to help you show some love to our beautiful White Mountains.
Let's get out there and have some fun!
Have questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out, we're always happy to help!
Debbie & Aaron Fogle
928-245-1210 cell

Alpine Trail Celebration was a HUGE success!
Trail lovers gathered to talk trails, learn which have been cleared in 2024, and see what's planned for 2025.
Alpine Trail Stewards announced an IMPRESSIVE impact of over 2,000 volunteer hours so far in 2024 and celebrated 3 newly certified crosscut members!
Join the fun, learn how we can HELP YOU get out there and make a difference too!
Join the Crusade to clear trails HERE!

Alpine Trail Stewards